Epiphanius declared readiness for dialogue with Onuphrius and addressed all Orthodox believers in Ukraine.

Hieromartyr Bishop Epiphanius and Metropolitan Onufriy in dialogue
Hieromartyr Bishop Epiphanius and Metropolitan Onufriy in dialogue

The head of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, Epiphanius, stated that he was ready for dialogue with Metropolitan Onuphrius of the UOC MP. He made this statement during a telethon.

The head of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine called the law «On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding the Activities of Religious Organizations in Ukraine» a historic decision.

«The law gives all religious structures that have not yet done so the opportunity to completely free themselves from Moscow's control. And we, on our part, repeatedly call on all Orthodox believers in Ukraine who have not yet done so to finally cast off this Russian yoke. We are open to dialogue without preconditions», – emphasized Epiphanius.

The head of the OCU claims that they appealed to Metropolitan Onuphrius with a call to start a dialogue without any conditions.

«We appeal to the faithful. Since our common Ukrainian future depends on them. Since each community, according to Ukrainian law and the newly adopted law, has the opportunity to change its jurisdiction. ... We are ready for unity in this difficult Time of testing by war, when the aggressor is trying to destroy us», – he noted.

Epiphanius added that the Orthodox Church of Ukraine has repeatedly appealed to the UOC MP with a call for unification, but they were only met with ultimatums.

The Verkhovna Rada adopted bill No. 8371 on the prohibition of activities in Ukraine of religious organizations with a governing center in a state that commits armed aggression against Ukraine. This concerns the Moscow Church, which operates in Ukraine under the brand of the UOC MP.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky reacted to the decision of the Verkhovna Rada regarding the bill to ban the Moscow Church. According to him, this decision is a manifestation of «spiritual independence of Ukraine».

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