Feedback, content, donate, hater… The linguist explained which popular anglicisms to replace.

Philologist Olha Vasyliieva suggested replacing some borrowed words. For example, 'feedback' can be replaced with 'response', and 'life hack' - with 'trick' or 'practical advice'. However, replacing the word 'content' is complicated, as the word 'substance' is ambiguous.
Vasyliieva noted that we need to find equivalents only for borrowed words that can be replaced without losing meaning. For example, the word 'donate' can be replaced with 'charity'.
She also expressed her opinion on other words. For instance, the word 'hater' can be replaced with 'malicious person' or 'detractor', but they are more general concepts. Regarding the word 'online', it does not need replacement.
The philologist also spoke about common mistakes Ukrainians make in using certain expressions. For example, people often mistakenly add the letter 's' to the word 'підкажіть'. There is also a problem with the usage of phrases 'according to' or 'in accordance with' in the context of 'according to the law'.
Moreover, she reminded about the correct pronunciation and spelling of Ukrainian names without the suffix '-ik', which is present in Russian variants.
Writer Oksana Zabuzhko explained how to properly confess love, avoiding Russian expressions. She noted that the use of bureaucratic language in Ukrainian is incorrect.
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