Should Russia be written with a lowercase letter? A linguist reminded the rules of Ukrainian spelling.

Compliance with the rules of Ukrainian spelling
Compliance with the rules of Ukrainian spelling

Philologist Olga Vasilyeva stated that the practice of writing names related to Russia with a lowercase letter will not become the norm in the Ukrainian language after the war. She believes that it is more an emotional expression than correspondingly linguistic norms.

According to the laws of Ukrainian spelling, proper names, including geographical and anthroponyms, must be written with a capital letter.

In her statement, she said: 'Why have we been writing Hitler and Stalin with a capital letter for so many decades? These executioners destroyed even more Ukrainians and representatives of other nations. Therefore, we must sharply begin to write their names with a lowercase letter or, on the other hand, adhere to spelling and common sense and write all anthroponyms and toponyms with a capital letter. You cannot defeat Putin with a lowercase letter.'

Olga Vasilyeva also noted some common mistakes in the use of words. She emphasized that Ukrainians often add the letter 's' to the word 'pідкажіть'. She also pointed out that there is a problem in the use of the phrases 'according to' or 'in accordance with' when people say 'according to the law'.

It should be noted that Ukrainian names do not have the suffix '-ik'. Therefore, it is correct to say and write names such as Tolik, Vitalik, Slavyk, Vladik, Vadyk, Kostiк, Rostyk, Edik, Danyk.

Writer Oksana Zabuzhko explained how to properly confess love without using Russian expressions. She noted that the Ukrainian language does not like bureaucratic language. She explained that to say 'he confessed to me' in Russian means the same as 'he made a proposal', but Ukrainians misuse the expression 'to make a proposal'.

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