UN Secretary-General Called for Reform of the Security Council.

UN Security Council: calls for reform
UN Security Council: calls for reform

UN Secretary-General António Guterres stated that the UN Security Council and other global institutions need reform. This was said during his speech at the Future Summit in New York.

Guterres emphasized that deep reforms are necessary to enhance the legitimacy, fairness, and effectiveness of global institutions. He noted that the world is in the midst of numerous conflicts, geopolitical differences, and nuclear standoffs, and cannot respond to these challenges.

The UN Secretary-General called the Security Council outdated and losing authority. He paid special attention to it, as it is one of the key institutions.

The summit is considering three important documents: the Pact for the Future, the Global Digital Compact, and the Declaration on Future Generations. Guterres stressed that these documents open up new perspectives and opportunities.

The Global Digital Compact includes the first universal agreement on international governance of artificial intelligence. It calls for the creation of an independent international scientific group to govern artificial intelligence and to start a global dialogue.

The Declaration on Future Generations calls on governments to take into account the interests of future generations when making decisions.

The UN Secretary-General also called for the abandonment of fossil fuels to reduce atmospheric emissions.

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