Girkin Goes to War Against Ukraine? Terrorist's Wife Commented on Rumors of His Release.

Woman listens with disappointment to rumors about Girkina's release
Woman listens with disappointment to rumors about Girkina's release

The wife of the former defense minister of the terrorist group "DPR", Igor Girkin-Strelkov, Miroslava Reginskaya, denied information about his release from the colony and called it fake.

She stated that his lawyers and family have no information about such changes in the case.

Reginskaya wrote that Girkin expressed a desire to serve his Homeland, but at the moment there is no information about his dispatch to the front. She also noted that the "extremist" article under which he is convicted does not provide for such a possibility.

Earlier, the Telegram channel Shot reported that Girkin would be released from the colony and sent to war against Ukraine.

According to the channel, Girkin's lawyers managed to get his punishment replaced with participation in the war against Ukraine.

In January 2023, the Moscow City Court sentenced Igor Girkin to four years in a general regime colony for public calls for extremist activities.

Girkin was known for his criticism of President Putin and his aim to become the president of the Russian Federation.

He was detained in July 2021 in Russia on suspicion of extremist activities.

Igor Girkin is also wanted for the destruction of the Malaysian Boeing flight MH17 in the sky over Donbass.

In 2022, he was sentenced to life imprisonment for this crime, but this year his status as "prone to escape" was removed.

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