Google, Meta and TikTok banned a Russian enterprise producing UAVs on social media.

Banned Russian enterprise producing UAV
Banned Russian enterprise producing UAV

Companies Google, Meta, and TikTok ended their collaboration with an industrial enterprise from Tatarstan, which recruited young foreign women to produce drones for the Russian army. This information is contained in an Associated Press investigation.

After the publication of a report on October 10, which described the working conditions at the plant in the Ukrainian special economic zone "Alabuga", also subject to US and UK sanctions, the company's accounts were deleted from YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.

Videos and posts on social media promised young women, mainly from Africa, free flights to Russia and a salary above $500 a month.

It turned out that instead of working in the hotel business and catering, some women had to work at a weapons plant where thousands of Iranian-made drones intended for use in Ukraine were manufactured.

Several women who worked at this enterprise told Associated Press in interviews about prolonged surveillance, broken promises regarding salary, and working with aggressive chemicals.

US tech companies also closed accounts of the Alabuga Polytechnic Institute, where graduates specialize in drone production. In total, the follower count on the closed accounts was at least 158,344, and one TikTok page had more than a million likes.

Earlier, it was reported that hackers from the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense attacked more than 800 servers. 

Note that Ukrainian hackers carried out a large-scale attack on the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company in honor of V. Putin's birthday.

A hacker from Khmelnytskyi was also uncovered; according to investigation materials, he created a startup and provided access to Russian sites.

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