Main Intelligence Directorate: Kremlin tries to avoid general mobilization until the end of 2024.

GUR: The Kremlin is trying to avoid a general mobilization by the end of 2024
GUR: The Kremlin is trying to avoid a general mobilization by the end of 2024

Russia attempts to compensate for losses in Ukraine

On October 11, 2024, the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine released information on the method by which Russia attempts to replace its army's losses during the occupation of Ukraine.

According to intelligence data, Russia uses financial instruments to attract new military personnel in order to avoid a general mobilization. Moscow fears that announcing mobilization could lead to social tension and protests in large cities.

During the summer and early autumn of 2024, rumors spread in Russia about the possible announcement of a general mobilization after the “municipal elections” on September 8. This was an attempt by the authorities to gauge the public mood.

The main factor allowing Russia to postpone the decision on general mobilization is the availability of sufficient financial resources. However, the continued increase in starting payments for signing contracts, which amounts to several million rubles in some regions of the Russian Federation, indicates a decreasing number of those willing to join the ranks of the occupying army.

Regardless of financial incentives, the occupiers face the problem of a lack of "ideological" soldiers. To solve this issue, new recruits at assembly points are given special propaganda materials with stereotypical statements about the "treacherous West and NATO bloc," "denazification," and other propagandist theses.

According to Russian estimates, the available financial resources will allow them to replace losses without a general mobilization at least until the end of 2024.

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