Iranian MP Leaked Information on Missiles for Russia, Confirming Fears of Ukraine and the West.

Iranian deputy refrained from commenting
Iranian deputy refrained from commenting

Iranian MP Ahmad Bahshaiyesh Ardestani confirmed the supply of ballistic missiles to Russia, despite Tehran's previous denial of this fact. He explained that these supplies are part of a barter deal with Russia for the import of soybeans and wheat. The Iranian MP also stated that the sanctions against Iran have reached their peak and cooperation with Russia helps to circumvent them. However, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani tried to smooth over the situation, indicating that Iran is not a party to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

Previously, there were reports about the supply of short-range missiles by Iran to Russia, which can enhance missile attacks on Ukraine. In this regard, European countries are considering the possibility of banning flights of the Iranian airline Iran Air to European airports. Ukrainian defense sources warned of a "severe response" in the event of civilian casualties in Ukraine from these missiles.

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