Intelligence Cyber Specialists Attacked a Number of Russian TV Channels.

Intelligence cyber experts attacked Russian TV channels
Intelligence cyber experts attacked Russian TV channels

Defense Ministry Cyber Specialists Attacked Russian TV Channels

Cyber specialists of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense attacked a number of Russian TV channels, showing truthful videos about the war in Ukraine. This information comes from sources in the intelligence services.

According to their data, the Main Directorate demonstrated its videos on such TV channels as "Pervouralsk TV", "Eurasia 360", "Eurasia. First Channel" and others. Some of these TV channels belong to the media holding of oligarch Andrey Komarov.

Russian cyber specialists tried to fix the situation, but as a result, the broadcast of nine Russian TV channels, including "Eurasia 360", "Eurasia First Channel", "Pervouralsk TV", "Lugansk 24", "First Republican", "SpB", "Oplot", TV-3 and "First Russian", was stopped.

Despite this, intelligence cyber specialists managed to retain access to the companies' servers. Therefore, some of the TV channels had to stop broadcasting for a long Time.

As of now, only "Eurasia 360" and TV-3 have partially resumed their work. Other channels remain blocked.

It was previously reported that Defense Ministry hackers completed a massive DDOS attack on the internet infrastructure of the Russian Federation, affecting banks and government resources. Additionally, it is known that the cyber specialists of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, together with the hacker group "VO Team", paralyzed the work of a company that develops Russia's nuclear weapons.

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