Western countries are concerned about BRICS expansion — The Times.

World map with flags of BRICS countries
World map with flags of BRICS countries

The BRICS organization, which includes Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, may soon expand to include Turkey, Azerbaijan, Iran, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. The West is concerned about this expansion, writes columnist Roger Boyes. NATO security experts express doubts about BRICS transforming into a militarized alliance due to the absence of a common military doctrine and centralized command. However, strategic cooperation between Russia, China, and other BRICS countries could impact global security. Additionally, BRICS aims to create a cartel to control strategic metals, which are essential resources for energy technologies and the military industry. China is actively cooperating with Egypt in military exercises in the Red Sea, and Iran is offering Russia its missiles for strikes on Ukrainian cities. Russia, in turn, supplies Iran with food products, bypassing sanctions.

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