EU leaders concluded the meeting in Brussels: "Russia must not win".

EU leaders sum up the Brussels meeting: Russia poses a concern
EU leaders sum up the Brussels meeting: Russia poses a concern

Heads of the European Council condemned Russia's aggression against Ukraine

Heads of state and government of the European Union countries, who met in Brussels at a European Council meeting, loudly condemned Russian aggression against Ukraine. In the final document that was adopted, support for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity was also reaffirmed, and it was stated that Russia cannot succeed in its expansionist conflict.

"The European Council reaffirms its strong condemnation of Russia's aggressive war against Ukraine, which is a blatant violation of the UN charter, and confirmed the continuation of support for the independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders. It also reaffirms the unwavering commitments of the European Union to provide Ukraine and its people with political, financial, economic, humanitarian, military, and diplomatic assistance as long as necessary and as intensively as required. Russia must not win," the document emphasizes.

It is noted that the European Council also reaffirmed its support for a comprehensive, fair, and lasting peace in Ukraine, in line with key principles of international law. European Union countries will continue to actively engage in gathering even more international support for the initiative to develop the first Peace Summit in Ukraine.

"The European Union emphasized that any initiatives on Ukraine should not be adopted without the involvement of Ukraine itself. The European Union will continue to actively facilitate addressing this issue and involve other countries in joint activities. The holding of the Ukraine - Southeast Europe summit in Dubrovnik on October 9, 2024, was also welcomed," the document states.

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