Ministry of Defense developed a new defense management model.

Ministry of Defense has developed a new defense management model
Ministry of Defense has developed a new defense management model
The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has developed a new model of the Planning, Programming, Budgeting & Execution (PPBE) process. Its goal is to support informed management decisions in the field of defense.According to information from the ministry, the pilot implementation of the new model will be carried out based on a specific type, a separate branch of the Armed Forces of Ukraine by the end of 2025. After the relevant changes to the current legislation are made, the model is planned to be extended to all components of the Armed Forces.The new approach, among other things, involves planning the development and maintenance of the capabilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and in the future, other components of the Defense Forces, for the medium-term (5 years) and long-term (10 years) perspectives.The aspects of this model include clear cost allocation by key areas based on a multi-criteria analysis of defense capability development. Such analysis is used to calculate the cost of each capability, considering actual resource needs. Life cycles and effectiveness of weapons and military equipment are determined for each type, a separate branch of the Armed Forces."In the process of improving the defense management system, our task is to equip ourselves with new effective methodologies, synchronize and interact with our foreign partners in applying advanced planning processes. By using new analytical tools, we are forming a clear vision of the prospects for the capabilities of the Ukrainian troops at future stages of development," said the First Deputy Minister of Defense, Lieutenant General Ivan Havryliuk.

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