The Ministry of Defense has determined the draft law on the creation of PMCs in Ukraine.

Ukraine's Ministry of Defense considers draft law
Ukraine's Ministry of Defense considers draft law

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine approved the draft "Law on International Defense Companies" with comments

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine approved with comments the draft "Law on International Defense Companies", which regulates the activities of such organizations in Ukraine. This was reported on the government portal.

The purpose of the bill is to regulate the legal status and activities of international military companies established in Ukraine, which will participate in defense activities and provide defense services abroad.

According to the document, it is planned to create the State Service of Ukraine for International Defense Companies, which will be subordinated to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense. This body will control the activities of international defense companies, register defense service agreements, and keep records of their weapons and equipment.

International defense companies (IDCs) will be able to provide a wide range of services abroad, including security, object protection, tactical training, demining, and security consulting. The bill stipulates that founders of IDCs can only be residents of Ukraine, and employees must be persons aged 21 and older with experience in Ukrainian military formations. IDCs will have the right to use firearms, armored vehicles, and special equipment.

Recall that it was previously known that the Armed Forces of Ukraine will receive new weapons from the USA, Italy, and Belgium.

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