The National Council Called on Journalists to Correctly and Accurately Cover the Activities of CCC and Mobilization.

Journalists should accurately represent the activities of the CEC and mobilization
Journalists should accurately represent the activities of the CEC and mobilization

The National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting called on journalists for a correct and professional approach in covering sensitive topics, especially the mobilization process and activities of the CCC. The corresponding call is published in the National Council's appeal.

At the moment, these issues are subjected to intensified information attacks through the active spread of fake news by the enemy.

Ukrainian media called to distinguish reliable facts from Russian misinformation and to provide information exclusively from verified official sources. The statement emphasized that this is a key element in ensuring national security.

«The enemy is actively trying to form a negative attitude in Ukrainian society towards the mobilization process, «demonization» of the CCC and their employees, etc. The goal of such activities is to stop mobilization, divide society, sow panic and discord, and thereby reduce the defense capability of our country», – the statement says.

According to the National Media Literacy Project «Filter», the Russian authorities have allocated $1.6 billion for propaganda in the state budget. Moreover, primarily the information efforts of the aggressor country are aimed specifically at the Ukrainian audience. Primarily, RF propaganda tries to:

  • promote disinformation related to mobilization processes in our country through the media;
  • manipulate public opinion, striving to discredit Ukrainian state institutions and the army;
  • disorient and intimidate the population, divide society through fictitious arguments and intricate misinformation narratives, and as a result, reduce international support for Ukraine.

It is noted that Ukrainian media are the only ones who can play a key role in informing society about the importance of the mobilization process, as well as preventing speculation and fakes around it. That is why the National Council calls on Ukrainian media to:

  • adhere to professional standards, carefully study sources, including when quoting foreign resources, the reliability and origin of any information, especially related to mobilization processes and military actions;
  • even in the case of covering some controversial case of a person's detention by representatives of the CCC, it is necessary to be extremely cautious in using quotes, because emotional statements in such cases are natural, but their appearance in the media with distribution distorts and gives them exaggerated significance;
  • understand that most reports about unpleasant facts come from social networks, where it is difficult to verify both the fact itself and the circumstances of the event, especially considering the enemy's activity – so fact-checking is an inviolable foundation of quality informing.

In the National Council, it was noted that opposing the successes of the RF can only be achieved by combining the efforts of the people, the army, and the media, not by opposing them to each other.

Russian Fakes on Mobilization and Military Actions

Russian propagandists spread fakes that Ukraine allegedly plans to mobilize three million childless women in case of prolonged war or increased size of the enemy's army.

By the way, «fake creators» massively spread misinformation that Ukrainian military received an order from the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces to break into the Kursk nuclear power plant and plant explosives there.

The Center for Combating Disinformation refutes the rumors spread by Russian propagandists about the alleged «disappearance» of the 152nd separate hunting brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and its commander during battles in the Pokrovske direction.

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