Named Harry's Nickname He Would Like to Forget.

The photo of Prince Harry matches the news headline
The photo of Prince Harry matches the news headline

Prince Harry, the grandson of Queen Elizabeth II, is known for his turbulent past, which he has repeatedly discussed in his memoirs. During his Time at the prestigious Eton College, where he spent five years, he earned quite a controversial nickname – "Hash Harry". This nickname reflected his lifestyle at the time, especially his inclination towards marijuana use. "Hash" is a slang word that means marijuana or drugs. Daily Express reports this.

Later, Harry himself openly admitted that during his studies at Eton, he tried not only marijuana but also other drugs. The prince acknowledged that the period of his youth was challenging, especially after the tragic death of his mother, Princess Diana. This great personal grief deeply affected his life, and he sought ways to escape reality, including through the use of alcohol and drugs.

The nickname "Hash Harry" was often attempted to be hidden, and although Prince Harry is quite open about his past, this aspect he would like to forget. This detail of his life was revealed by royal historian Robert Lacey in his book "Brothers of Brothers", where he presents many interesting facts about the life of the royal family, including the difficult youth of Harry.

It is known that in his adult biography, Harry tried to leave those times behind. He changed his life after meeting American actress Meghan Markle, who later became his wife. Together they created a family and moved to the US, where they are raising two children. After this, Harry became an active participant in various charitable projects and advocated for supporting war veterans, mental health protection, and human rights. Despite this, some aspects of his past, including admissions about drugs, continue to affect his life.

In particular, in the context of his move to the US, experts note that Harry's admissions regarding drug use could cause complications with his American visa. The point is that when obtaining a visa or residence permit, each applicant must answer questions about past drug use honestly. If it is found that Harry concealed information, it could create legal difficulties for him and lead to a review of his visa status. However, such problems have not yet arisen, and the prince continues to live and work in the US, dedicating himself to family and charity.

Thus, the period of Prince Harry's youth left a significant mark on his biography. Although he strives to focus on the positive aspects of his adult life, his youthful years, including questionable decisions and poor choices, continue to attract public attention.

Recall, Queen Camilla refused King Charles a meeting with Harry.

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