NBU recorded a record depreciation of the dollar: causes and consequences.

Graph of the dollar exchange rate decrease
Graph of the dollar exchange rate decrease

The National Bank of Ukraine has set the official exchange rate of the dollar at 41.4313 hryvnias per 1 dollar as of March 3, 2025, which is 0.0827 hryvnias lower than the previous rate.

According to bank representatives, this rate is the lowest in the last three months. The last Time such a low dollar rate was recorded was on November 25 last year, when it was 41.3193 hryvnias per dollar.

The euro rate has also decreased. The official exchange rate of the European currency on March 3 was 43.1134 hryvnias per 1 euro, which is 0.3808 hryvnias less than the previous day.

There is also a decrease in the dollar rate on the interbank currency market.

According to data as of February 28, the buying-selling rate fell by 6 kopecks and is 41.44-41.47 hryvnias per dollar. A similar trend is observed in the cash market, where the dollar has depreciated by 10 kopecks to 41.75 hryvnias.

Earlier, experts revealed the real forecast for the dollar exchange rate for 2025.

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