Norway changed social benefits for Ukrainian refugees: how much money can be received.

Norwegian social benefits for Ukrainian refugees
Norwegian social benefits for Ukrainian refugees

According to the Norwegian Immigration Service, over 70,000 Ukrainian citizens currently reside in Norway, having received temporary collective protection status. The largest groups of Ukrainians live in the cities of Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger, Trondheim, and Drammen. In 2024, Norway continues to accept Ukrainians but has established stricter rules for refugees. Because Norway is not a member of the European Union, the process of obtaining temporary protection status differs from EU countries.

Currently, Ukrainian refugees can receive 520 euros (23,746 hryvnias) per month, but only if they meet certain conditions. The rules have tightened since July 2024. In addition, refugees are also paid 1,500 euros (67,207 hryvnias) to return to Ukraine.

As of July 15, 2024, new refugee registration rules came into force in Norway. Previously, an application for protection could be submitted at registration points in Kirkenes, Trondheim, Bergen, Jaren, and Torp, but now this can only be done at the National Registration Center in the city of Rodi or the Gardermoen Registration Center, located near Oslo Airport.

Benefits for refugees

In 2024, Ukrainian refugees can receive 520 euros (23,746 hryvnias) per month, but they must reside in refugee reception centers and register at the National Registration Center.

The government also encourages refugees to return home by paying 1,500 euros (67,207 hryvnias) to those who choose to return. These changes aim to control immigration and integrate Ukrainian refugees. According to Minister Tonje Brenna, the number of refugees from Ukraine in 2024 decreased by 40% compared to the previous year.

Changes in benefits for Ukrainians

  • As of 2024, temporary alternative housing can no longer be obtained in Norway;
  • Ukrainians who want to receive state benefits and support must reside in refugee reception centers, not in private housing;
  • The state does not compensate for expenses related to the maintenance of pets in refugee centers;
  • To receive one-Time financial assistance of 8,200 euros (367,401 hryvnias), one must live in Norway for more than a year;
  • To receive temporary asylum and assistance, one must register at the National Registration Center.

Work in Norway for Ukrainians

After obtaining temporary protection, Ukrainians can receive a work permit. The largest number of vacancies is available on the Arbeidsplassen portal. In addition, if a person works in Norway, they automatically become a member of the Norwegian National Insurance System from the first working day. As a member of the Norwegian National Insurance System, NAV is responsible for family benefits, pensions, health conditions, and much more.

Research by Oslo Met shows that every third Ukrainian refugee in Norway has already decided not to return to Ukraine. Currently, there are over 65,000 Ukrainian refugees in Norway, and most of them have not decided whether they want to return home.

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