Residents of Odessa, whose houses were damaged by the night attack, are being assisted (photo).

Odessa residents helping attack victims
Odessa residents helping attack victims

On the night of September 12-13, 2024, Odessa was attacked by enemy drones.

According to preliminary data, the attack led to damage to 27 residential buildings. The city operational headquarters was working at the site of the liquidation of the consequences of the enemy attack.

Now city services together with charitable organizations are providing assistance to residents of Odessa who were affected by the night Russian attack on the city.

Representatives of the public association "Tenth April" delivered building materials, and utility workers are helping with the restoration work.

In addition, the owners of damaged houses can apply for assistance and consultation to the Peresyp district administration.

It should be reminded that in Odessa today at 02:51 sounds of explosions were heard.

In addition, on the night of September 13, Russian invaders directed strike drones to Khmelnytskyi region. Two enemy drones were shot down in the sky over the region. There were no casualties.

And this morning, September 13, the Russians hit the town of Okhtyrka in Sumy region with a guided aerial bomb. According to preliminary information, people were not injured. As a result of the shelling, a multi-story residential building, outbuildings, cars, and enterprise buildings were damaged.

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