Onet: Zelensky quarrels with Sikorski in Kyiv. "Poles were surprised by the style of the Ukrainian president".

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky argued with well-known Polish politician Radosław Sikorski in Kyiv
President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky argued with well-known Polish politician Radosław Sikorski in Kyiv

Meeting in Kyiv: tense dialogue between Zelensky and Sikorski

There was a tense atmosphere at the meeting in Kyiv between Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski, Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis, and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Communication between Zelensky and Sikorski was extremely tense, and the Poles were surprised by the communication style of the Ukrainian president.

The conversation began with Volodymyr Zelensky himself accusing Poland of not assisting Ukraine in negotiations for EU membership. Radosław Sikorski claimed that such negotiations took Poland 10 years and the terms proposed by Kyiv are unrealistic.

Journalist and publicist of the Polish magazine "Onet" Witold Jurasz

The President of Ukraine also demanded that Poland transfer more military equipment and shoot down Russian missiles and drones. However, the head of Polish diplomacy explained that Poland could not act independently and use air defense systems without NATO coordination.

According to "Onet", the atmosphere at the meeting was so tense that it could be described as confrontational. The Lithuanian delegation did not support the Polish minister.

Relations between Poland and Ukraine are in crisis, which indicates chaotic communication between Polish politicians and experts with the Ukrainian side. The next steps should address ways to improve partnership relations with Ukraine.

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