Pope Francis urged Ukrainian youth to forgive their enemies.

Pope Francis and youth forgive their enemies
Папа Франциск закликав молодь України до примирення з ворогами.

Pope Francis calls on Ukrainians to remember the heroes and forgive their enemies

Pope Francis addressed Ukrainian youth and emphasized the importance of remembering the heroes and forgiving enemies. He urged Ukrainians to remain patriots and not to lose their sense of longing for their homeland, even if they are in exile. The Pope also called on the youth not to respond to violence with violence but to counter this instinct.

Forgiveness is very difficult. Usually, we try to take revenge and respond to violence with violence. But in order to build a peaceful future, we need to forgive one another. Always.

Let us remember that Pope Francis began the new year by calling for an end to abortions and the protection of life from the moment of conception to natural death, as well as forgiving all debts to poor countries. He has also previously called for a ceasefire in Ukraine and for peace negotiations, as well as a ceasefire in the Middle East and the release of hostages.

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