Southern Europe is 'nauseated' by tourists – Politico.

Increased number of tourists in South Europe
Increased number of tourists in South Europe

In various cities in Spain, Italy, Portugal, and Greece, protesters are demanding the return of tourists. They believe that excessive tourism increases housing prices, promotes gentrification, and causes water shortages. This is especially true in cities affected by drought, such as Barcelona. Tourists consume more water there than locals. Protests are occurring not only in Spain but also in Portugal, Italy, and Greece. Protesters are demanding a change in the tourism model, which harms nature and local residents. Tourist cities are fighting against excessive tourism with fines, bans, and symbolic fees.

Protests against tourism are gaining momentum in Spain and other countries. Excessive tourism damages the local environment and economy.

Bans and restrictions are being implemented in many EU countries to preserve natural resources and protect local residents. However, this could also impact the economy since tourism is a key sector for some countries, including Croatia, Portugal, Greece, Spain, and Italy. These countries have experienced significant growth thanks to tourism.

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