The US Tax Office to Lay Off 6 Thousand Employees.

Laid-off Employees of the US Tax Office
Laid-off Employees of the US Tax Office

The US Tax Office to Lay Off Nearly 6 Thousand Employees

The US Tax Office (Internal Revenue Service, IRS) has started the process of laying off nearly 6 thousand employees as of February 20. This was reported by 'Glavkom' with reference to The New York Times.

The management of the Tax Office demanded on February 19 that some employees return their work equipment. The layoffs will take place as part of the program of US President Donald Trump's administration to reduce the number of federal employees. Those to be laid off will be employees who were recently hired by the Tax Office.

The layoff process will not affect employees who are on probation. The US Office of Personnel Management (OPM) issued a directive to ministries and agencies to lay off the largest number of employees who are on probation.

According to The New York Times, IRS managers have already begun inviting employees to their offices to return government equipment. The IRS employs about 100 thousand accountants, lawyers, and other workers throughout the country. In total, nearly 200 thousand civil servants are on probation.

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