Weather in Kyiv and the region: Hydrometeorological Center provided a forecast for the beginning of the week.

Weather forecast for Kyiv and the region
Погода в Києві та околицях: Гідрометеорологічний центр оприлюднив прогноз на початок робочого тижня.

Weather in Kyiv Region on Tuesday, January 21

The Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center reports expected mild weather in Kyiv Region. The region can expect comfortable temperatures and no significant precipitation.

Cloudy weather with periodic clearings is forecasted. No precipitation is expected. The wind will be from the southeast at a speed of 5-10 meters per second.

Air temperature will fluctuate throughout the day. At night, temperatures are expected to range from +2 to -3 degrees, while during the day the air will warm up to 0-5 degrees Celsius.

The capital is expected to experience around zero degrees at night and +1-3 degrees during the day.

Let us remind you that an anomalous warmth of up to +20 degrees will come to Ukraine.

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