Politico: The Russian Federation uses Telegram for communication on the battlefield and organization of sabotage.

Russian militants use Telegram
Russian militants use Telegram

With the help of Telegram, Russian military hold communication on the battlefield as they have problems with their own secure communication system. Russian Telegram is also used to recruit saboteurs and spread propaganda. This is reported by Politico.

They almost detained the Russian army's communication chief

According to one of the Russian military bloggers, Durov was detained. Another blogger reported that Russian specialists are working on an alternative to Telegram, but the Main Communications Directorate of the Russian army has shown no interest in obtaining such a system.

Russians do everything through Telegram. They recruit agents and people for counteraction. Today in Ukraine, there is a popular campaign to recruit people who would set Ukrainian military vehicles on fire. And it is quite successful. With its help, they coordinate their military actions

So said Nazar Tokar, head of the activist-investigator group Kremlingram, who studies Telegram's security and its ties with the Kremlin.

Even after the Kremlin restricted access to many other social networks, Telegram remained accessible in Russia. This happened even after Durov fled Russia in 2014 due to the Kremlin's demands to access data from his previous social network VKontakte about Ukrainian protesters.

According to Tokar, Telegram is much more important for Russia than for Ukraine.

I think the Russians are panicking because they are trying to foresee possible consequences for their important communication tool and are trying to protect themselves and remove information from there. But everything will depend on the French government and courts - whether they imprison Durov or negotiate and release him, and in return he will provide them with some information - we do not know yet

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