The political analyst predicted which decisions for Ukraine may be made at the 'Rammstein' meeting.

Political forecast at 'Ramstein' meeting
Political forecast at 'Ramstein' meeting

Soon another meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group in the 'Rammstein' format will take place. The implementation of the plan for the victory of the Ukrainian state will be discussed. The meeting will be chaired by US President Joe Biden. From the outcomes of the meeting, if not a breakthrough, then at least the scale can be expected. The meeting certainly will not be routine.

This was said by political scientist Oleg Saakyan on the air of the channel FREEДОМ.

"It is obvious that we expect some kind of scale, if not a breakthrough, from this meeting. The leaders of Ukraine, the USA, and other allied countries will be present. Overall, this is not an ordinary, not a routine 'Rammstein', of which there have been many before," Saakyan said.

Speaking about whether in Germany the USA may announce permission for Ukraine to strike military targets in Russia, the political analyst noted that he doubts it.

""I am quite skeptical about the idea of allowing strikes on Russian territory by the United States during 'Rammstein'. I think that Biden might decide on this decision after the election campaign ends, when he will still be the current president, but it will already be clear who the next head of the White House is," he said.

At the base in Rammstein, Saakyan believes there is a possibility that there may be consent for partners to grant such permission to Ukraine.

"That is, Biden may say that they are not against it and do not restrict partners in their actions, although they will not make this decision themselves now," he clarified.

Also, the political analyst does not rule out that at the 'Rammstein' meeting, Ukraine may hear good news regarding the enhancement of aviation, especially in terms of the quantity and quality of weaponry for aircraft.

"Air defense systems will also be a certain point of concentration of partners' efforts. And there will also be discussion of meeting the routine needs of war, such as shells and other consumables," the political analyst noted.

In his opinion, on the airbase in Rammstein, specifics from the United States regarding the package of about 8 billion dollars, which was adopted for the provision of weapons to Ukraine from the stockpiles, will be voiced.

"We have seen the figure, nearly 8 billion dollars, but we still do not know what lies behind it. And at 'Rammstein', it is quite likely that certain positions, possibly some quantitative indicators, will be announced," Saakyan said.

The allocation of this amount is very important for Ukraine because its needs will be met until the end of the calendar year, the speaker added.

"In fact, until the end of the calendar year, that is, for the entire period of electoral instability in the United States, we have guarantees of arms support and understanding of this horizon. The most turbulent period for Ukraine is now insured - until the moment of the new government election. And then there will be another page and somewhat new reality, when it will be necessary to work anew with American and parliamentarians as a significant part of Congress, including the House of Representatives, is reloaded, and already with the new head of the White House," he concluded.

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