Right or wrong? A soldier 'voluntarily demobilized' and caused a storm on social media.

Soldier caused a storm on social media
Soldier caused a storm on social media

Soldier Serhiy Hnezdilov announced that he left his unit voluntarily to draw attention to the lack of established service terms in the army and the necessity of the duty to defend the state. He wrote about this on Facebook.

From today, I am going AWOL (Absent Without Official Leave) until clear service terms are established or until my 25th birthday, having five years of impeccable soldier service behind me. I hope that this act will help convey to the authorities and society the need for a conversation and resolution of this situation. My position remains unchanged: we need to create a mobilization queue from all conscripted Ukrainians, and then demobilization will become a reality», - wrote the soldier.

Many people supported Serhiy Hnezdilov's statement. However, there are also those who consider his act a betrayal. Blogger Viktor Tregubov noted that Hnezdilov misrepresents his service, especially considering his participation in a podcast and the organization of a festival.

Writer Artem Chekh expressed concern about the state of the Ukrainian army and stressed that many soldiers lack clear service terms. Journalist Maryana Piietsukh believes that Hnezdilov is trying to publicly draw attention to the problem of demobilization and mobilization.

Journalist Iryna Shevchenko and cultural manager Sofiia Cheliak also expressed their support for Hnezdilov. The Ukrainian parliament also voted for a law that provides for the release of soldiers from criminal responsibility for the first unauthorized leaving of a unit and desertion.

Thus, Hnezdilov's act became a reason for a heated discussion about the issues of army service and demobilization in Ukraine.

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