Seatbelts, documents, insurance: drivers warned of mass checks and fines.

Seat belts, documents and insurance for drivers
Seat belts, documents and insurance for drivers

Comprehensive review of traffic rules - a new era of safety for Ukrainian drivers

The Ukrainian government has announced stricter general traffic rules aimed at reducing accidents and enhancing road safety.

«The key changes in traffic laws concern several important aspects», - government officials stated.

One of the most important changes is the tightening of requirements for mandatory documents. Drivers now need to always carry their driver's license, vehicle registration certificate (tech passport), and valid insurance policy. Incorrect possession of these documents will lead to a fine of 425 hryvnias.

Fines for serious offenses are significantly increased: driving without a license will cost 3 400 hryvnias, while driving after being deprived of a license - even 20 400 hryvnias.

Special attention is given to insurance and technical inspection. The absence of a valid insurance policy will result in a fine of 425 hryvnias, which increases with late payment. A fine of 340 hryvnias is also provided for the absence of a current technical inspection.

For the absence or incorrect installation of license plates, a fine ranging from 1 190 to 5 100 hryvnias is envisaged. The absence of a child car seat will cost 510 hryvnias, and for repeated violation – 850 hryvnias. Each unbuckled passenger will also incur a fine of 510 hryvnias for unbuckled seat belts.

New fines are also being introduced for traffic violations. Speeding by 20-50 km/h will cost 340 hryvnias, and if the speeding is more than 50 km/h - 1 700 hryvnias. Running a red light will be penalized with a fine of 510 hryvnias.

Driving under the influence is one of the most severe offenses. For the first violation, a driver will pay a fine of 17 000 hryvnias and lose their license for 1 year. For the second violation, a fine of 34 000 hryvnias and a 3-year license suspension is provided. And the third violation will result in a fine of more than 50 000 hryvnias, a 10-year license suspension, and the confiscation of the vehicle.

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