Russia wants peace not according to the provisions of the UN Charter, but according to the concepts of bandit Petersburg.

Russia violates peace contrary to UN provisions
Russia violates peace contrary to UN provisions

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that Russia will not participate in the second peace summit scheduled for November 2024. She stated that the process taking place within the framework of the «Bürgenstock Process» has nothing to do with conflict resolution. Zakharova believes that the goal of this summit is to push through the «Zelensky formula» as a basis for conflict resolution and to maintain the support of the world majority.

Moscow stated that they do not refuse political and diplomatic settlement of the crisis, but are ready to discuss serious proposals that take into account the situation on the ground and geopolitical realities. The Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said that without Russia and considering its interests, a fair and sustainable resolution of the conflict is impossible.

The administration of the President of Ukraine proposed that Russia take part in the second peace summit and familiarize itself with the «victory plan». It was noted that refusal to participate in the summit indicates Russia's intention to continue the war. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky urged all countries of the world to join Kyiv in this process and adhere to the UN Charter.

Following these statements, Russia responded that it is impossible to force it into peace. The Kremlin spokesman expressed the conviction that Russia is a supporter of peace, but on the condition of ensuring its security. Ukraine's position was noted by the Kremlin spokesman as erroneous.

Finnish President Alexander Stubb said that it is Time to exclude Russia from the UN bodies for its violations of the organization's Charter and threat to the international community.

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