Russian command forbade Russians to move on equipment.

Russian military prohibited from moving on vehicles
Russian military prohibited from moving on vehicles

Ban on the movement of military equipment in the 132nd Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade

The command of the Russian 132nd Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade, which is fighting in Ukraine, has banned the military from moving between positions on military equipment. This information was published by the partisan movement «ATESH».

According to the movement, the ban was introduced due to fear of disclosure of deployment locations.

«Due to fear of disclosure of deployment locations, the command banned the use of military equipment, and now they are forced to move in civilian vehicles between positions», - reported representatives of «ATESH».

It is also indicated that the unit has problems with moral and physical condition and is suffering heavy losses at the front.

Representatives of the movement «ATESH» claim that they control all movements of the occupiers and promptly transmit information about their location to the defense forces of Ukraine.

Recall that six officers from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea died near the occupied Donetsk - media reports.

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