The SBU and police uncovered schemes to evade mobilization in Kyiv and Kherson: TCC employees and lawyers detained.

Detained employees of the TC and lawyers
Detained employees of the TC and lawyers

Special services announced the detention of individuals evading mobilization

Employees of the SBU and the National Police of Kyiv and Kherson successfully uncovered large-scale schemes of mobilization evasion. Six individuals, including lawyers, officials of the Territorial Recruitment Centers (TCC), and an employee of the administrative services center, were detained as a result of the special operation.

According to the SBU report, the detainees in the case accepted bribes ranging from 7,000 to 12,000 US dollars for assistance in avoiding conscription. They were fictitiously issuing medical certificates for "booking" or removing from military registration.

In Kyiv, two lawyers organized unlawful medical commission procedures for their clients, as well as "escorted" documents in the TCC to avoid military service summonses. Subsequently, they arranged for their clients to be employed at a state-owned defense enterprise, so they could avoid conscription into the army.

In Kherson, three TCC officials and their accomplice, an employee of the administrative services center, were uncovered. The woman updated data of conscription-age men and passed them to her accomplices in the TCC to have them removed from military registration due to a purported poor health condition.

The detainees in Kyiv were charged with influence peddling, while the individuals from Kherson were charged with receiving improper benefits as officials. For these crimes, all detainees face up to 10 years of imprisonment with confiscation of property.

The special operation was conducted by the SBU in collaboration with the National Police, with the participation of the Kyiv City Prosecutor's Office and the Specialized Defense Prosecutor's Office of the Southern Region.

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