Average Salary in Poland: in Dollars, Euros and Zlotys.

Average Salary in Poland: in Dollars, Euros and Zlotys
Average Salary in Poland: in Dollars, Euros and Zlotys

Poland is a popular country for migrants, including Ukrainians, primarily due to job opportunities and salaries. Salaries in Poland are higher than in Ukraine, especially in large cities. In 2024, the average salary in Poland is about 7,000 zlotys gross per month. After taxes and contributions, an employee receives about 5,000 zlotys net. The salary is significantly influenced by the industry, city, and qualifications. IT, construction, and manufacturing are the most lucrative sectors. The minimum wage in Poland is 4,000 zlotys gross per month. The salary level in Poland makes it an attractive country for Ukrainian migrants, especially considering social guarantees and the opportunity to send money back. It is important to choose a large city for work and to have an official employment contract. Poland is convenient for migration and has a large community of Ukrainians. All necessary information about working in Poland can be found on the Layboard.com website.

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