How many MSEC corrupt officials received prison sentences: statistics.

Many corrupt officials in the NACP were sentenced to prison: statistics
Many corrupt officials in the NACP were sentenced to prison: statistics

In recent weeks, several corruption scandals related to the work of MSEC occurred in Ukraine. Journalists found that over the past three years, 216 crimes related to the activities of these commissions were recorded. In 44 cases, the suspects were doctors or commission members accused of bribery, abuse of power, forgery of documents, and other crimes. According to current legislation, such crimes entail severe punishment, but most of the bribetakers received only a suspended sentence without confiscation of property.

Specifically, out of 44 cases, in 32 the accused were found guilty, but only in six cases did the sentences include imprisonment. The rest of the criminal cases ended with fines or bans on occupying positions. Two still not final verdicts provided for imprisonment without conditions, but both were appealed. One is still under trial, and in the other, the punishment was replaced with a fine of 85,000 UAH.

Recently, the head of the Khmelnytsky regional MSEC center, Tetyana Krupa, and her son were exposed, accused of illegal enrichment. During searches at their residences, over $6 million in cash was found. Krupa has already been taken into custody for 60 days with the possibility of posting bail.

A criminal group in Kharkiv was also exposed, "writing off" draft dodgers from military registration. One of the group's members was the head of one of the regional center's commissions. He interacted with draft dodgers, helping them avoid conscription using fake disability certificates.

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