It will snow in most regions: weather forecast for January 3rd.

Snow cover in the regions
Snow cover in the regions

Weather forecast for January 3rd

On Friday, January 3rd, the weather in Ukraine will be cloudy with light wet snow and rain. The heaviest precipitation is expected in the western, northern, and Vinnytsia regions.

In Zakarpattia, there will be significant and moderate precipitation during the night and day. In all other regions of Ukraine, there will also be light wet snow and rain. Some roads in the western and northern regions may be icy.

Wind speeds will vary from southwest to northwest at an average of 7-12 m/s. In the Carpathians, gusts of wind up to 20-25 m/s are expected.

The air temperature will range from -3° frost to +2° warmth, and in the central regions during the day it may reach up to +5° warmth. The warmest weather will be in Southern and Eastern Ukraine, where during the night the temperature will be 1-6° warmth, and during the day 5-10°.

Situation in Kyiv region

The Kyiv region is also expected to have cloudy weather with light wet snow. Some roads may be icy. The wind will blow from the southwest, and later change to the northwest at a speed of 7-12 m/s. The air temperature at night and during the day will fluctuate from -3° frost to +2° warmth, and in Kyiv, it will be around 0°.

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