The US should not cede leadership in the nuclear arms race - Media.

USA should not give up nuclear arms race leadership
USA should not give up nuclear arms race leadership

The Biden administration is disrupting the stability of relations with China. China refused to negotiate with the US on the control of new weapons due to Washington's arms sales to Taiwan. This was not a surprise, as China had already stated its disinterest in limiting its own arsenal.

The US's desire to limit the Chinese arsenal is of great importance. According to estimates by the US Department of Defense, the Chinese nuclear warhead arsenal could grow to 1,000 units by 2030 and to 1,500 units by 2035. This indicates that China is preparing to test new weapons.

“If the new US president, whether Republican or Democrat, wishes to conduct genuine negotiations with China on arms control, they will have to follow China's example and give nuclear weapons a less prominent role. This will force China to restrain the US,” reports The Hill.

Currently, the US is limited to 1,550 deployed nuclear warheads under the new Strategic Arms Agreement, which they renewed in 2021 along with Russia. Therefore, the American nuclear threat remains virtually unchanged.

Source: ZN.UA

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