USA imposed sanctions against Iran and Russia for the transfer of ballistic missiles.

Sanctions against Iran and Russia
Sanctions against Iran and Russia

The United States imposed sanctions against the Iranian airline Iran Air, Russian and Iranian organizations, high-ranking representatives of the authorities of both countries, and trade ships in connection with their participation in relations between the regimes.

The Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Treasury Department reported that these sanctions would be imposed in connection with military support from Iran, including the supply of ballistic missiles to Russia for the aggressive war against Ukraine. The sanctions list includes ten individuals and six organizations from Iran and Russia.

Additionally, four ships that transported weapons from Iran to Russia are included in the blocked property list.

Among the organizations subject to sanctions is the Iranian airline Iran Air, based in Tehran, which is engaged in passenger and cargo transportation.

Also on the restriction list is Ruhollah Katebi, a representative of the Iranian Ministry of Defense in Moscow, who facilitated communication with the Russian government regarding the supply of Fath-360 ballistic missiles to Russia. Sanctions were also imposed on Ebrahim Bahrami, a representative of the Iranian organization Shahid Kharrazi Industries, who was involved in communication with the Russian government and training Russian military personnel in Iran.

The Commander of the Aerospace Command of the Iranian Air Force, Ali Jafarabadi, who managed missile launches in violation of international prohibitions, is also included in the 'blacklist'.

In addition, the U.S. imposed sanctions on four ships of the Russian 'TransMorFlot' and the Iranian companies Azadegan and Amad Behineh Saz Engineering Company, as well as their management. The restrictions also extend to the Iranian design bureau Farzanegan Propulsion Systems (Farzanegan) and its leaders.

Source: Ukrinform

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