Tariffs increased by 20%: how much you will have to pay for utilities.

Announcement of tariff increases for utility services
Announcement of tariff increases for utility services

Ukrainians will be shown how prices for utilities have increased in 2024.

According to the State Statistics Service (Gosstat), there has been a significant rise in the cost of utilities in Ukraine. In December 2024, the prices for essential utilities, including housing, water supply, gas, and fuel, increased by approximately 19% (18.9%) compared to December 2023. The main reason for this increase is the rise in electricity prices.

According to the statistical office, the following tariffs have increased:
  • The electricity tariff - by 63.6%
  • for the management of apartment buildings - by 11.2%
  • for garbage collection - by 8.9%
  • for the maintenance and repair of housing - by 3.9%

However, tariffs for natural gas, hot water, and heating have remained unchanged. Tariffs for water supply and sewage are also stable.

Naftogaz announced important changes.

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