Trump Similar to Putin and Xi, Threatening Troubles - Media.
Three Presidents Who Will Determine the Future of the World
According to Bloomberg, the future of war and peace in our world will depend on three presidents - Donald Trump, Xi Jinping, and Vladimir Putin. They hold threatening views that could lead to troubles.
'During the Cold War, American and Soviet leaders had opposing ideologies, but a relatively stable situation. Today, presidents spread imperialism, and this is dangerous,' noted the commentator.
Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping are imbued with a desire for power and domination, so they strive for territorial expansion. The U.S., starting from the times of the Bush and Rice wars, has lost its exceptionalism, and Trump only deepens this process. Trump's interest in expanding U.S. territory has become apparent, but he cannot come to an agreement with Putin and Xi regarding the conflict in Ukraine. The presidents hope for a deal on the distribution of influential zones.
The world is oriented towards a future 'Yalta' between Trump, Putin, and Xi, which will be based on power rather than ideology. This could lead to war if they cannot agree on the division of spoils. This threatens small countries and could provoke despotism in their own societies, as has already happened in history.
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