At 17, she weighed 27 kg. In Australia, parents starved their ballerina daughter for years.

The ballerina girl became thin due to abuse
The ballerina girl became thin due to abuse

The 17-year-old ballerina daughter from Australia became a victim of starvation at the hands of her parents. She weighed only 27 kilograms, which is the normal weight for a 9-year-old child, not a teenager. The parents were sentenced to 6.5 and 5 years in prison respectively.

Their daughter was starved with the same care as a small child. They watched children's cartoons with her, wiped her, and styled her hair. But the result was peeling skin, hair loss, and a risk of heart failure.

The parents claimed that their daughter was not eating enough and had three meals a day, as well as access to snacks. But the court did not believe their honesty.

To avoid problems with her malnutrition, the parents forged their daughter's birth certificate to make her two years younger. They also denied most examinations and treatments.

The police arrested the parents after the intervention of ballet school teachers and the parents' refusal to allow an ECG and the placement of a feeding tube. A full treatment following the arrest helped the girl gain the necessary weight, however, she supports her parents and asks the court to free them.

The court found the parents guilty, but noted that they have mental disorders. Their punishment will be served in prison with the possibility of early release.

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