The Fifth Volunteer from Finland Killed in Battles for Ukraine.

Finnish volunteer, killed in Ukraine
Finnish volunteer, killed in Ukraine

One of the Finnish volunteers, Ville Myökkänen, was killed in battles in Luhansk region at the beginning of August. This is already the fifth Finnish soldier who has given his life for Ukraine. This was reported by Yle.

Ville Myökkänen was 26 years old and was born in the Finnish city of Pyhäjärvi. Before becoming a volunteer, he was involved in politics and was the head of the youth division of the Centrist Party of Northern Ostrobothnia.

The Myökkänen family wanted him not to be just an unknown soldier. The information about the volunteer's death was made public at their request. According to Juha Kreus, the executive director of the Association of Combatants, the family asked for this themselves.

After Russia started the war against Ukraine, Myökkänen decided to become a volunteer and go to fight on the side of Ukraine.

«He always wanted to make the world a better place and increase justice in it. He started his path in politics and continued it by joining the military in Ukraine», - the obituary states.

His military path began at the end of 2023. The current Minister of Defence of Finland, Antti Kaikkonen, stated that Ville Myökkänen was a defender of justice.

The news of the young man's death shocked his family, colleagues in the political party, his friends, and the residents of the community.

«He had a strong will to defend a free nation. Under the battle pseudonym Squall, he made the highest sacrifice by giving his life for freedom», - the obituary states.

In June 2023, it became known about the death of the first Finnish volunteer in the war in Ukraine. It was a 22-year-old soldier from Poland, Tomasz Senkala. In the autumn of 2023, he joined the legion of the International Territorial Defense of Ukraine. He died on July 13 in the village of Dibrova, Luhansk region.

Earlier it was reported that Estonian Martin Jäger, who fought for Ukraine in Kharkiv region, also died in the war in Ukraine.

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