USA explained why China fears Putin's defeat.

China fears Putin's defeat
China fears Putin's defeat

According to an article by former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Russia is now an isolated and militarized country. However, while Putin cannot lose, he also does not want the revival of the Russian Empire.

In February 2022, when Russia invaded Ukraine, it thought that Ukraine would be subdued in a few days. Russian troops even took food supplies for three days and arrived with parade uniforms for a ceremonial march after the capture. However, the first year of the war revealed the weaknesses of the Russian troops - corruption and incompetence.

Ukraine, despite lacking a navy, managed to effectively defend itself against Russian naval forces and organized the transportation of grain along its coastline.

In the opinion of Condoleezza Rice, Russia will have to face long-term economic consequences. Many Russian citizens have already left the country due to the war, and the Russian oil and gas industry has suffered losses.

Therefore, while China cannot allow Putin to lose, it is also not interested in creating a new Russian Empire, which could lead to secondary sanctions against its own economy.

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