In Vinnytsia, a man caused a ruckus for his neighbors: how the police punished the vandal.

Hooligan in quarantine annoys neighbors
У Вінниці чоловік став джерелом занепокоєння для оточуючих: як правоохоронці врегулювали ситуацію з актом вандалізму.

In Vinnytsia, a man was detained for disturbing the residents' rest. According to the patrol police of the Vinnytsia region, the incident occurred on Pavlo Korneliuk Street. The police found out that the man was shouting in the entrance of the building, using obscene language and annoying the neighbors. Arrived at the scene, the patrol inspectors detained the vandal and took him to the police station.

After the citizen failed to respond to the demand to stop the violation, the police drew up a protocol against him under Article 173 (Petty Hooliganism) and issued a ruling under Part 1 of Article 182 (Violation of Silence) of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

Other Violations in Vinnytsia Region

In the Vinnytsia region, a court fined a resident for failing to fulfill parental duties. The reason for the fine was that his 14-year-old son was responsible for a traffic accident.

The court also found a resident of Lipovets guilty of committing psychological domestic violence against his ex-wife. The conflict arose because the woman cut down fruit trees planted by the man's father.

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