A service for the guardianship of the families of the deceased, missing, and captive military personnel will be created in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Patronage service for families of the Armed Forces
Patronage service for families of the Armed Forces

A unified system for working with the families of deceased (dead), missing, and captive military personnel - escort (guardianship) services is being created in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Colonel General Oleksandr Syrskyi, approved the Concept of social support for military personnel and their families in the civil-military cooperation system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Roadmap, the General Staff reported.

It is noted that the main goal of creating such a system is to take care of the families of military personnel and their overall information, to accompany the wounded in healthcare institutions, and to coordinate and communicate with the families of captives, missing, deceased (dead).

"The relevant units will be deployed as part of the existing standard units of civil-military cooperation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which have a separate structure and vertical at all levels of military management," emphasized the head of the Central Directorate of Civil-Military Cooperation of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Colonel Oleksandr Kutkov.

According to the General Staff, initially, social support services will be staffed by military personnel released from captivity and military personnel who, due to injuries or health conditions, cannot participate in combat operations. Relevant decisions have already been made by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

According to the Joint Directive of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine and the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, soon the guardianship services will become regular units in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which will raise the support of military personnel and their families to a new qualitative level.

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