Ukrainians will be able to obtain a long-term residence permit in the Czech Republic: under what conditions.

Advantages of Ukrainians in the Czech Republic: long-term residence
Українці отримають можливість легально проживати в Чехії на тривалий термін: які вимоги потрібно виконати.

Protection of Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic is becoming more effective

The President of the Czech Republic, Petr Pavel, has signed amendments to the law that will provide better living conditions for Ukrainian refugees in the country. According to the new rules, Ukrainians who have been in the Czech Republic for more than two years will be able to obtain a long-term residence permit if they have their own housing, are economically independent, and do not receive benefits for refugees. For children, compulsory education in local schools will be mandatory. The changes also include an extension of the protection period for refugees from Ukraine and stricter requirements for Russians who wish to obtain Czech citizenship. The law also establishes liability for illegal activities in favor of a foreign state, and Russians who wish to become citizens of the Czech Republic will have to renounce their Russian citizenship and provide the relevant documents. However, exceptions may be made for people seeking asylum. These changes have been introduced due to the active steps of other European countries that also seek to improve conditions for Ukrainian refugees.

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