Ukrainian F-16 fighters received early missile warning systems - Media.

Ukrainian F-16 fighter jets
Ukrainian F-16 fighter jets

Ukrainian fighters received an early warning system

Ukrainian multi-role fighters F-16 received Terma PIDS+ pylons with an early missile warning system. They were identified from video published on the official Telegram channel of the President of Ukraine, reports Militarny.

The Danish-designed and manufactured system by Terma has been equipped on fighters of all European Participating Air Forces (EPAF) member countries. In 2018, Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, and Belgium ordered Terma PIDS+ pylons with Hensoldt AAR-60(V)2 (MWS) missile warning systems for their F-16s. All listed countries were to transfer these fighters to Ukraine, so it is unknown from which of these countries the aircraft shown today was transferred.

Early warning system - important enhancement

Regarding the importance of MWS, it provides a crucial enhancement to the F-16's self-defense complex as it allows the aircraft to detect attacking missiles in advance and counter them.

MWS consists of six sensors and one computer. Three sensors are installed on each of the two pylons, their arrangement providing almost complete spherical coverage around the aircraft. The computer is installed in the right pylon. AAR-60(V)2 transmits threat information to the Terma ALQ-213 countermeasure management system located in the cockpit.

ALQ-213 selects the most effective sequence for firing flares from the Flare-Up module, which is located in the PIDS+ pylon. The flares are fired at an angle so that they shoot diagonally downward and do not hit the missile mounted on the fighter's wingtip.

Delivery of complexes for F-16 from Terma

Currently, Terma is supplying Flare-Up kits for the F-16 of the U.S. National Guard Aviation, while the U.S. Air Force ordered Israeli complexes for themselves in 2020.

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