Ukraine will be hit by cyclone Annet with thunderstorm rains: Didenko warned about worsening weather.

Ukraine will be covered by cyclone Annet with thunderstorms
Ukraine will be covered by cyclone Annet with thunderstorms

Meteorologist Natalia Didenko noted that the weather in Ukraine will change and we are expecting rains with thunderstorms.

According to her, the cause of such weather will be the Annet cyclonic system located over Italy.

As a result of this cyclone, periodic rains with thunderstorms will be widespread in Ukraine.

"This weather change may affect meteoropaths - headaches, blood pressure problems, drowsiness, decreased efficiency, etc. Although everyone waited and asked for rains, the positive effect, I hope, will outweigh", - warned Didenko.

The air temperature on September 12 will vary by regions. The western regions expect +19+22 degrees, the east - +28+32 degrees. In the rest of Ukraine, it will be warm, from +25 to +30 degrees.

Rains and possible thunderstorms are also expected in Kyiv. The maximum temperature will be about +27 degrees.

Earlier, the meteorologist told when autumn will actually begin in Ukraine.

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