"Ukrenergo" proposed new tariffs for electricity transportation.

New tariffs for electricity transportation
New tariffs for electricity transportation
The company "Ukrenergo", the operator of the electricity transmission system, made a proposal to significantly increase the tariff for electricity transmission in 2025.

According to information published by the industry publication ExPro, the tariff is planned to increase by 48%, which will lead to its rise to 783.71 UAH per MWh.

This proposal is of particular interest given that a separate, lower tariff of 441.05 UAH per MWh is proposed for "green" metallurgy. This approach may stimulate the development of environmentally friendly technologies in the metallurgical industry.


The cost structure of "Ukrenergo" also deserves attention. Almost half of all expenses, namely 33.6 billion UAH out of the total amount of 77.1 billion UAH, are planned to be allocated to fulfill special obligations. A significant part of these funds – 26 billion UAH – will be used to ensure public interests, excluding private households. In addition, the company plans to spend 18.3 billion UAH on the purchase of electricity to compensate for technological losses in 2025.

The final decision on this issue will be made by the Regulator after open discussions. It is worth adding that the proposal appeared against the backdrop of recent changes in the structure of marginal electricity prices for businesses, introduced by the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission from June 1 of this year.

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