«Everything genius stems from laziness». Monobank co-founder talked about himself and parenting.

Photo of Monobank co-founder talking to children
Photo of Monobank co-founder talking to children

Oleh Horokhovskyi: "Laziness is an impetus in work"

The co-founder of Fintech Band and online bank Monobank, Oleh Horokhovskyi, shared that he is a lazy person, and this trait for him is an impetus in work. Horokhovskyi spoke about this in an interview with Ramina Eskakhzai.

«Laziness – is a very good trait; everything genius stems from laziness. When you feel that you don't want to do something, you look for a way not to do it or to do it in an easier way: that is the impetus. When I say a person is lazy, it's not an insult, but a compliment. Because when we don't want to do something, we need to understand why, the purpose of doing it, and whether we can live without it», – said the co-founder of Monobank.

Oleh Horokhovskyi also noted that he lacks patience and the ability to repeat the same thing many times in parenting: «Parents should be good mentors for their children. I can explain once with great joy, with less joy twice, but three times – no».

The co-founder of Monobank added that he has a specific philosophy based on doing only what he enjoys. Therefore, Horokhovskyi finds it easier to delegate some of his responsibilities concerning his children.

«Everything that can be delegated, if you need to teach a child a subject, it's better to pay a professional who will do this job better than you. I try to buy myself off, it's convenient for me, and that's what I do. I have this specific philosophy based on doing only what I enjoy and what brings me satisfaction because this is my life. It is selfish, but it justifies my laziness», – emphasized the co-founder of Monobank.

Earlier, Oleh Horokhovskyi shared a story about how he changed his registration from Dnipro to Mykolaiv due to tax payments.

Also, entrepreneur, banker, and co-founder of «Monobank» Oleh Horokhovskyi stated at the third Crimean Platform summit that the first physical branch of the bank would open in de-occupied Crimea. 

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