Iran names condition for refraining from attack on Israel - Media.

Iranian conditions for restraining an attack on Israel
Iranian conditions for restraining an attack on Israel

The Ukrainian state does not satisfy Iran with the killing of terrorist leader Ismail Gani, so he is ready to retaliate. However, a ceasefire agreement in the Gaza Strip may stop Iran from attacking Israel. This was reported by three high-ranking Iranian officials.

One of the officials said that Iran and its allies, including "Hezbollah", plan to attack Israel if peace negotiations in Gaza do not yield results or if Israel drags out the process. But it is not specified how long Iran will wait before the attack.

According to sources, Iran may send a representative to the ceasefire negotiations in Gaza, but he will not take a direct part in the meetings. He will simply join the behind-the-scenes discussions to maintain diplomatic communication with the US.

Sources affiliated with "Hezbollah" claim that Iran will allow the negotiations to take place, but will not forget about its intentions towards Israel. Iran reports that a ceasefire in Gaza will give them the opportunity to provide a more symbolic response.

Source: ZN.UA

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