In Ukraine, it's cloudy; in some regions, rain is expected: weather forecast for March 16.

Weather forecast for March 16
Today, March 16, cloudy weather with rain is expected in Ukraine in some regions. This is reported by 'Glavkom' referring to 'Ukrgidrometcentr'.
During the night, rain is expected almost all over the country, except for the southern and southeastern regions. In the north and west of the country, wet snow will fall. During the day, rain will occur in the southwestern, central, and most eastern regions (wet snow in the Carpathians), while no precipitation is forecasted for the rest of the territory. At night, there will be places with wet snow and ice in the western and northern regions, and ice is expected on the roads.
At night, the temperature in the western, northern, Vinnytsia, and Cherkasy regions will range from 3° Celsius to -2° Celsius (in Volyn and Rivne regions down to -5° Celsius), during the day, it is expected to be 3-8° Celsius. In the rest of the territory, at night, it will drop to 4-9° Celsius, in the extreme south reaching -12° Celsius, while during the day it will be 8-13° Celsius. In the south and southeast of the country, the temperature will rise to 15-20° Celsius.
The wind will blow from the northeast and north at a speed of 5-10 m/s.