Ukraine plans to raise the maximum prices for electricity.

Plans to increase electricity prices
Plans to increase electricity prices

The National Commission for State Regulation of Energy and Public Utilities (NERC) of Ukraine plans to review the maximum prices in the electricity market starting from November 1, 2024. The relevant draft resolution is planned to be approved at the meeting on October 1.

According to the draft, it is proposed to set new maximum prices on the day-ahead market and the intraday market. At night (from 00:00 to 07:00), the maximum price will be 5600 UAH/MWh, during the day (from 07:00 to 17:00 and from 23:00 to 24:00) - 6900 UAH/MWh, during the evening peak hours (from 17:00 to 23:00) - 9000 UAH/MWh, and the minimum ceiling price will be 10 UAH/MWh.

Electricity tariffs in Ukraine

New price caps for the balancing market are also envisaged. Maximum prices will range from 6600 UAH/MWh at night to 10,000 UAH/MWh during evening peak hours, and the minimum price in the balancing market will be 0.01 UAH/MWh.

After the draft is approved, market participants will be able to submit their comments and proposals. It is expected that the final decision may include even higher maximum prices than proposed at this stage.

In addition, earlier, "Ukrenergo" proposed new tariffs for electricity transmission.

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